Ethics sit at the heart of what we do and informs both our program design and our program delivery. For us, ethics means bringing together effectiveness – research and theory - but also local knowledge. We draw these ways of knowing together to develop effective and local approaches to teaching and learning.
We recognise that learning is a relational process, and that teachers’ roles extend beyond setting up the environment, supervising children and developing and documenting the educational program. Plus everything else! Our programs focus specifically on creating evidence-informed, locally responsive strategies for supporting children’s learning and wellbeing through their interactions and relationships with you.​
The aim of our program delivery model is to empower teachers and educators through honouring their deep knowledge of their local community, the approaches they know work, and their own teaching style. We use a strength-based approach to working alongside teachers and educators, recognising the expertise they bring and building on it to design strategies that will work in their service. The outcome is a sense of pride, and a suite of effective and responsive strategies that can be used when working alongside children and families.
When you work with us, you can expect to collaborate with a dedicated consultant who is a qualified and experienced early childhood teacher, and who has a strong understanding of contemporary early childhood theory and research.